October 25, 2022Comments are off for this post.

Briefing from Webinar #3: Fast tracking the labour market integration of people from Ukraine

The panel featured six experts and practitioners, who shared their views on labour market inclusion from different angles.

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October 6, 2022Comments are off for this post.

Advancing Knowledge on Integration Measures, but for whom?

SprINg at the 4th Conference of the German Network for Forced Migration Research.

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July 9, 2022Comments are off for this post.

What are the integration barriers that practitioners face?

The key principle of co-design is that together you can come up with better solutions than an outsider who is not involved in the day-to-day struggles of frontline workers.

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July 7, 2022Comments are off for this post.

8 takeaways on entrepreneurship as a driver of economic inclusion

Takeaways from the first thematic SPRING webinar on 2 June 2022, focussing on entrepreneurship support for (female) beneficiaries of Temporary Protection from Ukraine.

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June 11, 2022Comments are off for this post.

Launch of webinar series

SPRING held first thematic webinar on entrepreneurship support for (female) beneficiaries of Temporary Protection from Ukraine.

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April 6, 2022Comments are off for this post.

SPRING co-organised webinar on labour market integration of people fleeing war in Ukraine

29 March 2022, SPRING and TRAFIG projects, with the support of ICMPD, held a webinar addressing labour market integration of people fleeing war in Ukraine.

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March 19, 2022Comments are off for this post.

Diagnostic Framework: a theory-based tool for self-evaluating practices and improving outcomes and data

One of the main objective of the SPRING project is to gather, summarise and share the best available research and evidence on effectiveness, innovation, transferability, sustainability and evaluation methods regarding integration policies and practices.

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January 31, 2022Comments are off for this post.

Update: Join Us campaign

During December 2021 we launched a campaign to enhance the development of our toolbox to help European integration actors at national, regional, and local level in order to improve the effectiveness and sustainability of their work.

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November 4, 2021Comments are off for this post.

Mapping stakeholders in the integration field

One of the main objective of the SPRING project is to gather, summarise and share the best available research and evidence on effectiveness, innovation, transferability, sustainability and evaluation methods regarding integration policies and practices.

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November 3, 2021Comments are off for this post.

Evaluation Grid for Assessing the Quality of Migrant Integration Practices

One of the main objectives of the SPRING project is to ‘identify successful and sustainable practices of integration of newly arrived migrants’. But embedded in this goal is a key question: What exactly makes a migration practice ‘successful’ and ‘sustainable’ and how can this be assessed?

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