Good Practice Criteria

Inclusivity & Participation

Does the practice ensure that its services are accessible and responsive to diverse groups?

The beneficiaries of the programme were almost exclusively trafficked women between the ages of 18 and 30. The practice ensured that information about its services was disseminated efficiently and in a confidential way. Services were delivered taking into consideration various needs, such as those related to gender, childcare responsibilities and specific vulnerabilities. Activities were always run in the presence of a mediator who was herself a victim of trafficking.


Good practice checklist

✓ Adopt a participatory, gender mainstreaming, age sensitive, inclusive approach and secure equal opportunities for beneficiaries.

✓ Make sure to provide precise and accessible information on how to access services in different languages, formats and through different communication channels

✓ Ensure that equality and diversity are an essential part of how services are delivered, taking into consideration different needs and capacities.

✓ Make reasonable adjustments to service delivery in order to take into account particular needs of the target group.

Does the practice consult its beneficiaries and involve them in the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the action?

The practice consulted beneficiaries via feedback mechanisms that allowed them to share their opinions and activity preferences. At the beginning of the employment integration activities, beneficiaries could express preferences for certain employment sectors or specific professions, and the work programme was accordingly designed to facilitate access to the labour market in these sectors.


Good practice checklist

✓ Organise consultation activities with migrant beneficiaries in order to co-create actions where possible and secure their feedback on the design and evaluation of the action.

✓ Provide appropriate feedback mechanisms by which beneficiaries can safely express their opinions on service quality.

✓ Use flexible and interculturally-adapted formats and compensate participants for their contribution.

Relevance & Complementarity

Are the objectives of the practice relevant to the needs of the migrants?

Needs were identified in the field by social workers before beneficiaries began the programme, as well as through their day-to-day interactions with each other. This information was passed on to programme coordinators, and activities were adapted accordingly. Regular sessions were held to give social workers the opportunity to advise on how the programme could be improved to better meet migrants’ needs.

Good practice checklist

✓ Identify and analyse the needs of the relevant migrants and prioritise methods which directly ask them about their needs.

✓ Identify and analyse gaps in integration support and design actions to fill these gaps.

✓ Aim for systemic improvement, satisfying the needs of the majority of target groups in the target area.

Is the practice relevant to the empowerment of migrants, the strengthening of their autonomy and the support of their long-term integration?

The practice is a good example of an integration tool for those who have suffered traumatic experiences. Focusing on both the psychosocial and the professional, the programme enabled beneficiaries to ‘move on’ with their lives in a secure way, progressively gaining autonomy and the skills needed to access and succeed in the labour market.

Good practice checklist

✓ Devise actions with the overarching goal of providing positive feedback and making migrants more confident, autonomous and independent.

– Contribute to migrants’ engagement with the community for the common good.

✓ Ensure that services contribute to the strengthening of the capacities of migrants/migrant communities.

✓ Include (or create the preconditions for) actions that facilitate long-term integration.

✓ Address discrimination and information gaps as obstacles to long-term integration.

Does the practice align with the priorities, strategic goals and policies of other relevant stakeholders, and contribute to the wider integration framework?

The practice aligned with the national and European priorities of combatting human trafficking, and contributed to a broadening of the integration spectrum by focusing on an under-supported group. The skills assessment part of the programme followed the relevant European Commission grid.

Good practice checklist

✓ Ensure that all actions are in line with international and European human rights standards.

✓ Employ regional/local, national and EU/international level integration-related guidelines and tools.

✓ Make sure that the services offered contribute to the strengthening of the capacities of relevant institutions to support future development.


Is the practice adequately planned and based on a comprehensive design?

The practice was designed to support beneficiaries with two essential dimensions of their integration paths, based on specific targets outlined in their personalised work plans. The objectives were clearly stated in quantitative terms in order to meet the requirements of the relevant call for proposals. 

Good practice checklist

✓ Aim for actions that achieve observable outcomes among the target group or contribute to changes during the implementation of the action.

✓ Make sure that the objectives and planned results of the activity are feasible and clear.

– Develop a communications strategy during the design phase of the action and pay attention to communication with host communities and local authorities.

✓ Ensure the practice is based on indicators that are measurable, achievable, and relevant.

✓ Develop a staff management plan to identify team members with the right skills to work with beneficiaries, and their needs for training and further qualification.

Does the practice regularly monitor implementation and evaluate its results?

The practice regularly assessed action implementation and outcomes against expected results and primary objectives, and evaluated beneficiaries’ satisfaction. A financial and narrative report was produced every 6 months presenting the number of beneficiaries, the duration of activities, objectives, and levels of satisfaction. Additionally, participants completed feedback forms after each workshop and training session.


Good practice checklist

✓ Ensure regular monitoring of action implementation and compare actual performance to goals set during the design phase.

− Anticipate obstacles that might occur and plan alternative scenarios during the design phase of the action.

✓ Ensure achievement of intended outputs / outcomes.

✓ Determine whether practice outcomes are considered successful by beneficiaries, the host and practitioner communities, funders, and policymakers.

− Assess whether interventions contribute to long-term sustainable change.

Partnership & Collaboration

Does the practice establish communication and coordination with other relevant actors to foster the integration of migrants? (e.g., migrants, civil society, public authorities, businesses)

Practice implementation relied on the coordination of several civil society organisations that are specialised in supporting the integration of migrants, including those who are victims of trafficking.  

Good practice checklist

✓ Ensure the involvement and participation of key stakeholders in the development phase and create strategies to involve them in the action.

– Include multi-stakeholder consultation with professionals, institutions, and citizens, in order to promote the meaningful participation of refuges and migrants and support a joint sense of ownership of decisions and actions.

Does the practice contribute to discussion on the improvement of integration support policies?

Discussions have been regularly held between the European partners of the project consortium, and final conferences will gather relevant multilevel stakeholders to discuss results and identify opportunities for improvements to policies relating to the integration of human trafficking victims.

Good practice checklist

✓ Seize opportunities to contribute to the development of comprehensive integration strategies involving EU-level/national/regional/local authorities, service providers and civil society.

– Work with relevant partners to jointly review operations, practices, services, and integration outcomes.

Inclusivity & Participation

Does the practice ensure that its services are accessible and responsive to diverse groups?

Sirius School is an inclusive, personalised practice that is designed to be adaptive and responsive to the needs of a diverse public, regardless of gender, age, language spoken, nationality, migration status, or ethnicity. Information on the practice is available in multiple languages, both online and onsite. Training services are adapted to the personal characteristics and needs of participants. Participation is free, and travel costs are fully reimbursed.


Good practice checklist

✓ Adopt a participatory, gender mainstreaming, age sensitive, inclusive approach and secure equal opportunities for beneficiaries.

✓ Make sure to provide precise and accessible information on how to access services in different languages, formats and through different communication channels

✓ Ensure that equality and diversity are an essential part of how services are delivered, taking into consideration different needs and capacities.

✓ Make reasonable adjustments to service delivery in order to take into account particular needs of the target group.

Does the practice involve the active participation of the receiving society?

Sirius School was created by the receiving society; by several trainees and volunteers previously involved in projects with operating partner Le Monde Des Possibles, who saw an opportunity for a new practice.

Good practice checklist

✓ Consider integration as a two-way process, and aim for change on the side of the receiving society.

✓ Foresee an active role for the receiving society in the design and implementation stages of the practice, and involve actions that encourage native communities and beneficiaries to work together.

Does the practice consult its beneficiaries and involve them in the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the action?

The practice operates within a cooperative social economy. Beneficiaries are involved in its design and implementation, and its final aim is to create a stable, long-term training cooperative that employs migrants. Evaluation templates are distributed to participants at the end of their training.

Good practice checklist

✓ Organise consultation activities with migrant beneficiaries in order to co-create actions where possible and secure their feedback on the design and evaluation of the action.

✓ Provide appropriate feedback mechanisms by which beneficiaries can safely express their opinions on service quality.

✓ Use flexible and interculturally-adapted formats and compensate participants for their contribution.

Relevance & Complementarity

Are the objectives of the practice relevant to the needs of the migrants?

Sirius School is particularly relevant to the socio-professional integration of participants. It conducts constant monitoring of the local and national integration system, using and adapting its services to solve identified gaps and problems.


Good practice checklist

✓ Identify and analyse the needs of the relevant migrants and prioritise methods which directly ask them about their needs.

✓ Identify and analyse gaps in integration support and design actions to fill these gaps.

– Aim for systemic improvement, satisfying the needs of the majority of target groups in the target area.

Is the practice relevant to the empowerment of migrants, the strengthening of their autonomy and the support of their long-term integration?

Participant empowerment is a key operating principle of the practice: the stable, long-term training cooperative it has created will ideally be ultimately run by migrants themselves. The fostering of participants’ confidence and autonomy is another key focus, as well as the specific improvement of their employability skills, which serves to promote their integration in the long run. Some successful migrant participants will have the chance to participate in future activity as facilitators or trainers.


Good practice checklist

✓ Devise actions with the overarching goal of providing positive feedback and making migrants more confident, autonomous and independent.

✓ Contribute to migrants’ engagement with the community for the common good.

✓ Ensure that services contribute to the strengthening of the capacities of migrants/migrant communities.

✓ Include (or create the preconditions for) actions that facilitate long-term integration.

✓ Address discrimination and information gaps as obstacles to long-term integration.

Does the practice align with the priorities, strategic goals and policies of other relevant stakeholders, and contribute to the wider integration framework?

The practice is broadly aligned with an aspect of integration that has been historically embedded in Belgium’s French-speaking community: the provision of adult education and training. Those stakeholders involved in the design and implementation of the practice are reliable and experienced, and operate within all relevant human rights guidelines. The project is embedded in a dense network of actors and practices in the integration of migrant newcomers, allowing for efficient communication with local authorities and stakeholders


Good practice checklist

✓ Ensure that all actions are in line with international and European human rights standards.

✓ Employ regional/local, national and EU/international level integration-related guidelines and tools.

– Make sure that the services offered contribute to the strengthening of the capacities of relevant institutions to support future development.


Is the practice adequately planned and based on a comprehensive design?

Sirius School relies on consistent planning of training activities and specific evaluation mechanisms. Objectives and planned results are clear, and continually adapted according to each beneficiary’s needs. As it is a training platform, indicators and monitoring mechanisms are embedded within its various processes. The project’s main operating partner uses an innovative, established methodology for identifying people with the right skills to work with beneficiaries, including the direct recruitment of immigrants and de-facto refugees.


Good practice checklist

✓ Aim for actions that achieve observable outcomes among the target group or contribute to changes during the implementation of the action.

✓ Make sure that the objectives and planned results of the activity are feasible and clear.

✓ Develop a communications strategy during the design phase of the action and pay attention to communication with host communities and local authorities.

✓ Ensure the practice is based on indicators that are measurable, achievable, and relevant.

✓ Develop a staff management plan to identify team members with the right skills to work with beneficiaries, and their needs for training and further qualification.

Does the practice regularly monitor implementation and evaluate its results?

Conceived of and implemented as a training programme, the practice relies on several monitoring and evaluation mechanisms. Direct results (e.g., the increased employability of participants) are only assessable in the longer term, but there is potential for long-lasting, positive effects.


Good practice checklist

✓ Ensure regular monitoring of action implementation and compare actual performance to goals set during the design phase.

− Anticipate obstacles that might occur and plan alternative scenarios during the design phase of the action.

✓ Ensure achievement of intended outputs / outcomes.

✓ Determine whether practice outcomes are considered successful by beneficiaries, the host and practitioner communities, funders, and policymakers.

✓ Assess whether interventions contribute to long-term sustainable change.


Does the practice attract structural funding and support from new sponsors and individuals, or have the potential to develop a business model to generate its own resources?

As a project made to be freely accessible, it is unlikely that it will develop a business model to generate its own resources. However, it is adept at establishing partnerships with new sponsors – such as training centres and schools – to attract funding. The project has strong partnerships with established local actors in the field of integration, and many of these partners have substantial experience in fundraising at the local, national and EU level.


Good practice checklist

✓ Develop partnerships and relations with relevant stakeholders at the early stage of the action to ensure that the practice has strong support and potential partners for after the primary funding terminates.

✓ Identify new EU and national funding opportunities for long-term integration (e.g., shifting from project-based initiatives that are limited in time or dependent on one (external) donor to a comprehensive, multi-year strategy based on secured funding or diverse funding opportunities).

– Diversify funding opportunities and identify options for self-financing through business activities or social entrepreneurship.

Partnership & Collaboration

Does the practice establish communication and coordination with other relevant actors to foster the integration of migrants? (e.g., migrants, civil society, public authorities, businesses)

The project relies on collaboration with a political partner (Digital Belgium) and a civil society partner (Le Monde Des Possibles). The latter has an established local role as a hub for several migrant organisations and civil society actors involved in the migration, diversity and integration agenda. Consultation with key stakeholders is an established practice activity, and refugee/migrant organisations and individuals play a key role in the design and implementation of all its activities.


Good practice checklist

✓ Ensure the involvement and participation of key stakeholders in the development phase and create strategies to involve them in the action.

✓ Include multi-stakeholder consultation with professionals, institutions, and citizens, in order to promote the meaningful participation of refuges and migrants and support a joint sense of ownership of decisions and actions.

Does the practice contribute to discussion on the improvement of integration support policies?

The project outcomes can inform discussion on integration practices and policies in the local and international context, particularly on such matters as the personal and professional development of newcomer refugees.

Good practice checklist

– Seize opportunities to contribute to the development of comprehensive integration strategies involving EU-level/national/regional/local authorities, service providers and civil society.

✓ Work with relevant partners to jointly review operations, practices, services, and integration outcomes.

Inclusivity & Participation

Does the practice ensure that its services are accessible and responsive to diverse groups?

The project has a focus on newcomer asylum seekers, but there are no specific criteria for the involvement or recruitment of beneficiaries. Activities are designed and implemented on a case-by-case basis to allow for a particularly inclusive and adaptable approach. The project relies on a web platform – connected with a network of partner stakeholders – on which activity information is promoted and disseminated. Migrant artists have their own profile, space, and events section on this platform. Equality and diversity are key principles in the ways in which the project is designed and implemented (recruitment; operating principles; stakeholder partnerships), as well as in its intended outcomes (artistic productions; co-creation).


Good practice checklist

✓ Adopt a participatory, gender mainstreaming, age sensitive, inclusive approach and secure equal opportunities for beneficiaries.

✓ Make sure to provide precise and accessible information on how to access services in different languages, formats and through different communication channels

✓ Ensure that equality and diversity are an essential part of how services are delivered, taking into consideration different needs and capacities.

✓ Make reasonable adjustments to service delivery in order to take into account particular needs of the target group.

Does the practice involve the active participation of the receiving society?

Homelands is a project that puts the receiving society at the centre of the support it delivers and the activities it runs. The overall point of the project is to connect non-migrant actors working in cultural institutions with migrant artists.


Good practice checklist

✓ Consider integration as a two-way process, and aim for change on the side of the receiving society.

✓ Foresee an active role for the receiving society in the design and implementation stages of the practice, and involve actions that encourage native communities and beneficiaries to work together.

Does the practice consult its beneficiaries and involve them in the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the action?

Homelands is designed to ensure that migrant artists (beneficiaries) are the main actors in the design and implementation of project activities. Participants are not financially compensated, but involvement in the project offers them the possibility of starting or resuming their artistic career in the receiving context. Great importance is given to ensuring an inclusive and participatory feedback mechanism, in order to ensure that the voices of all the actors involved in the project are listened to.


Good practice checklist

✓ Organise consultation activities with migrant beneficiaries in order to co-create actions where possible and secure their feedback on the design and evaluation of the action.

✓ Provide appropriate feedback mechanisms by which beneficiaries can safely express their opinions on service quality.

✓ Use flexible and interculturally-adapted formats and compensate participants for their contribution.

Relevance & Complementarity

Are the objectives of the practice relevant to the needs of the migrants?

The objectives of the project are highly relevant to the needs of migrant artists, particularly those that relate to their integration and skills development, their establishment of a social and professional network within the cultural sector. The project aims to fill certain gaps in the local and national cultural sectors of Belgium by fostering the integration – and boosting the career – of migrant artists.


Good practice checklist

✓ Identify and analyse the needs of the relevant migrants and prioritise methods which directly ask them about their needs.

✓ Identify and analyse gaps in integration support and design actions to fill these gaps.

– Aim for systemic improvement, satisfying the needs of the majority of target groups in the target area.

Is the practice relevant to the empowerment of migrants, the strengthening of their autonomy and the support of their long-term integration?

The practice is extremely relevant to the empowerment and long-term integration of migrants, particularly as newcomers struggle to forge careers in arts and culture in the post-COVID-19 context. Socially speaking, the practice can help to mainstream a positive narrative around migrants and their capacity to interact with locals and be a part of public life.

Good practice checklist

✓ Devise actions with the overarching goal of providing positive feedback and making migrants more confident, autonomous and independent.

✓ Contribute to migrants’ engagement with the community for the common good.

✓Ensure that services contribute to the strengthening of the capacities of migrants/migrant communities

✓ Include (or create the preconditions for) actions that facilitate long-term integration.

– Address discrimination and information gaps as obstacles to long-term integration.

Does the practice align with the priorities, strategic goals and policies of other relevant stakeholders, and contribute to the wider integration framework?

Ensuring diversity in the cultural and artistic sector is a national priority for Belgium. By focusing on the individual careers of migrant artists, and targeting newcomer refugees, the project represents a step forward in the traditional policy/practice scenario in Belgium (in which there is usually strong emphasis on diversity in the cultural offer, while concrete action in support of ‘diverse’ cultural actors is weak, particularly at the grassroots level).

Good practice checklist

✓ Ensure that all actions are in line with international and European human rights standards.

– Employ regional/local, national and EU/international level integration-related guidelines and tools.

✓ Make sure that the services offered contribute to the strengthening of the capacities of relevant institutions to support future development.


Is the practice adequately planned and based on a comprehensive design?

Homelands relies on consistent planning of training, preparation/co-creation of project activities, implementation, dissemination and evaluation. The project demonstrates clear planning of its potential impact on the target group of beneficiaries, as well as on the cultural stakeholders involved as partners and the general public. Recruitment of staff members is conducted on a case-by-case basis. One of the project’s objectives is to enhance the capability of partners to work with immigrant artists. The practices is built around an integral communications strategy.


Good practice checklist

✓ Aim for actions that achieve observable outcomes among the target group or contribute to changes during the implementation of the action.

✓ Make sure that the objectives and planned results of the activity are feasible and clear.

✓ Develop a communications strategy during the design phase of the action and pay attention to communication with host communities and local authorities.

– Ensure the practice is based on indicators that are measurable, achievable, and relevant.

✓ Develop a staff management plan to identify team members with the right skills to work with beneficiaries, and their needs for training and further qualification.

Does the practice regularly monitor implementation and evaluate its results?

The practice relies on systematic monitoring of its beneficiaries. Qualitative data on implementation and impact are collected, analysed and reported at different stages, and monitoring and risk-management mechanisms – such as constant interaction between beneficiaries and stakeholder partners to facilitate necessary adjustments – are embedded within its activities. Beneficiaries remain in close contact with coordinators after their involvement has ended, and they have a personal page on the practice’s website.


Good practice checklist

✓ Ensure regular monitoring of action implementation and compare actual performance to goals set during the design phase.

✓ Anticipate obstacles that might occur and plan alternative scenarios during the design phase of the action.

✓ Ensure achievement of intended outputs / outcomes.

✓ Determine whether practice outcomes are considered successful by beneficiaries, the host and practitioner communities, funders, and policymakers.

− Assess whether interventions contribute to long-term sustainable change.


Is the practice prepared to sustain its positive effects after completion?

The practice is designed to ensure that both beneficiaries and partners develop the connections and skills necessary to continue to benefit from their participation in the long term. Further, a key aim is that partners and other stakeholders will adopt innovative approaches as a result of their involvement in the practice, thereby extending its reach and impact. The practice also contributes to the creation of business opportunities for artists and cultural stakeholders in the long term.

Good practice checklist

✓ During the design phase, anticipate opportunities to continue the intervention after completion.

– Prepare and apply a well-defined sustainability plan to ensure the continuation of positive effects / outcomes.

✓ Devote resources to building capacities during the implementation phase, in order to ensure that the necessary human resources, expertise and infrastructure are in place to sustain the services upon completion of the action.

Does the practice attract structural funding and support from new sponsors and individuals, or have the potential to develop a business model to generate its own resources?

Homelands has the potential to attract structural funding from cultural institutions and other important stakeholders, as well as to generate its own resources through monetising the work of its artists (e.g. through a programme of paid performances). Furthermore, by using its network of participating partners, the practice can potentially access a wide range of private and public funding and other support.


Good practice checklist

✓ Develop partnerships and relations with relevant stakeholders at the early stage of the action to ensure that the practice has strong support and potential partners for after the primary funding terminates.

– Identify new EU and national funding opportunities for long-term integration (e.g., shifting from project-based initiatives that are limited in time or dependent on one (external) donor to a comprehensive, multi-year strategy based on secured funding or diverse funding opportunities).

✓ Diversify funding opportunities and identify options for self-financing through business activities or social entrepreneurship.

Partnership & Collaboration

Does the practice establish communication and coordination with other relevant actors to foster the integration of migrants? (e.g., migrants, civil society, public authorities, businesses)

Public authorities (such as cultural policy makers) and cultural stakeholders among institutions and cultural hubs are in constant communication with the practice, if not directly involved in it.


Good practice checklist

✓ Ensure the involvement and participation of key stakeholders in the development phase and create strategies to involve them in the action.

✓ Include multi-stakeholder consultation with professionals, institutions, and citizens, in order to promote the meaningful participation of refuges and migrants and support a joint sense of ownership of decisions and actions.

Does the practice contribute to discussion on the improvement of integration support policies?

The project contributes locally to discussion on improvements to integration support policies, particularly in the cultural sector. The potential for successful representation and advocacy depends on the involvement of important cultural institutions and stakeholders.

Good practice checklist

– Seize opportunities to contribute to the development of comprehensive integration strategies involving EU-level/national/regional/local authorities, service providers and civil society.

✓ Work with relevant partners to jointly review operations, practices, services, and integration outcomes.

Inclusivity & Participation

Does the practice ensure that its services are accessible and responsive to diverse groups?

CURANT is aimed at a range of target groups, including among young newcomer refugees and members of their Italian host society, and including people of all genders.


Good practice checklist

✓ Adopt a participatory, gender mainstreaming, age sensitive, inclusive approach and secure equal opportunities for beneficiaries.

✓ Make sure to provide precise and accessible information on how to access services in different languages, formats and through different communication channels

✓ Ensure that equality and diversity are an essential part of how services are delivered, taking into consideration different needs and capacities.

− Make reasonable adjustments to service delivery in order to take into account particular needs of the target group.

Does the practice involve the active participation of the receiving society?

The project places the receiving society at the centre of the support it offers. Both newcomer refugees and the local population are directly involved in the cohousing activities around which the project is built.

Good practice checklist

✓ Consider integration as a two-way process, and aim for change on the side of the receiving society.

✓ Foresee an active role for the receiving society in the design and implementation stages of the practice, and involve actions that encourage native communities and beneficiaries to work together.

Does the practice consult its beneficiaries and involve them in the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the action?

Beneficiaries’ needs and perspectives are monitored throughout the project. They actively participate in project activities and in the evaluation of its impact and outcomes, but were not consulted during the initial design and creation phase.

Good practice checklist

– Organise consultation activities with migrant beneficiaries in order to co-create actions where possible and secure their feedback on the design and evaluation of the action.

✓ Provide appropriate feedback mechanisms by which beneficiaries can safely express their opinions on service quality.

– Use flexible and interculturally-adapted formats and compensate participants for their contribution.

Relevance & Complementarity

Are the objectives of the practice relevant to the needs of the migrants?

The objective of the practice is highly relevant to the needs of migrants, particularly in terms of their integration, language learning, and development of a social network. The project is delivered at the local level, and therefore has a relatively small target area. Cohabitation between members of the host society and newcomers allows for constant adaptation of project practices. Case management meetings are also scheduled to define case-specific strategies and address contextual issues.

Good practice checklist

✓ Identify and analyse the needs of the relevant migrants and prioritise methods which directly ask them about their needs.

– Identify and analyse gaps in integration support and design actions to fill these gaps.

✓ Aim for systemic improvement, satisfying the needs of the majority of target groups in the target area.

Is the practice relevant to the empowerment of migrants, the strengthening of their autonomy and the support of their long-term integration?

CURANT significantly promotes the long-term integration of young refugees at the local level through the individualised housing support it offers, and project activities are designed to promote their empowerment by encouraging their confidence and independence in the hosting context. CURANT directly addresses problems of discrimination, particularly in the housing system.

Good practice checklist

✓ Devise actions with the overarching goal of providing positive feedback and making migrants more confident, autonomous and independent.

– Contribute to migrants’ engagement with the community for the common good.

✓ Ensure that services contribute to the strengthening of the capacities of migrants/migrant communities.

✓ Include (or create the preconditions for) actions that facilitate long-term integration.

✓ Address discrimination and information gaps as obstacles to long-term integration.

Does the practice align with the priorities, strategic goals and policies of other relevant stakeholders, and contribute to the wider integration framework?

CURANT relies on a multi-stakeholder partnership network, with political and academic partners as well as partners from within civil society. All partners share strategic goals and policies that relate to the integration of newcomer refugees. As an ERDF-funded project, CURANT complies with European human rights standards. Its contribution to policy improvement is evidenced in the fact that the project activities have been continued – albeit on a smaller scale – since the project’s official closure in 2019.


Good practice checklist

✓ Ensure that all actions are in line with international and European human rights standards.

✓ Employ regional/local, national and EU/international level integration-related guidelines and tools.

✓ Make sure that the services offered contribute to the strengthening of the capacities of relevant institutions to support future development.


Is the practice adequately planned and based on a comprehensive design?

CURANT relies on comprehensively planned field practices and project management activities, including monitoring and risk management mechanisms. Progress is measured according to specific indicators and presented in regular evaluation reports, and objectives and expected outcomes are adapted at the individual level.


Good practice checklist

✓ Aim for actions that achieve observable outcomes among the target group or contribute to changes during the implementation of the action.

✓ Make sure that the objectives and planned results of the activity are feasible and clear.

– Develop a communications strategy during the design phase of the action and pay attention to communication with host communities and local authorities.

✓ Ensure the practice is based on indicators that are measurable, achievable, and relevant.

− Develop a staff management plan to identify team members with the right skills to work with beneficiaries, and their needs for training and further qualification.

Does the practice regularly monitor implementation and evaluate its results?

Does the practice regularly monitor implementation and evaluate its results? CURANT relies on systematic monitoring: data on implementation and impact are collected, analysed and reported at different stages of the project. Over the course of the initial project, a risk-management team had regular contact with all migrant and non-migrant participants to ensure accurate monitoring. The long-term impact and sustainability of the project is evidenced by the fact that it has been able to continue beyond its original end date.


Good practice checklist

✓ Ensure regular monitoring of action implementation and compare actual performance to goals set during the design phase.

− Anticipate obstacles that might occur and plan alternative scenarios during the design phase of the action.

✓ Ensure achievement of intended outputs / outcomes.

✓ Determine whether practice outcomes are considered successful by beneficiaries, the host and practitioner communities, funders, and policymakers.

− Assess whether interventions contribute to long-term sustainable change.

Partnership & Collaboration

Does the practice establish communication and coordination with other relevant actors to foster the integration of migrants? (e.g., migrants, civil society, public authorities, businesses)

The multi-stakeholder partnership within which CURANT operates, as well as its particularly local focus, allows for the development of productive relationships with relevant actors. This strengthens its ability to further foster the integration of young migrants at the local level.

Good practice checklist

– Ensure the involvement and participation of key stakeholders in the development phase and create strategies to involve them in the action.

✓ Include multi-stakeholder consultation with professionals, institutions, and citizens, in order to promote the meaningful participation of refuges and migrants and support a joint sense of ownership of decisions and actions.

Does the practice contribute to discussion on the improvement of integration support policies?

The project’s outcomes and specific outputs serve to inform discussion on integration practices and policies in both the local and international context, and contributing to the development of effective practices in integration is among its main aims. The project’s academic partner reviews project practices and impact.

Good practice checklist

✓ Seize opportunities to contribute to the development of comprehensive integration strategies involving EU-level/national/regional/local authorities, service providers and civil society.

✓ Work with relevant partners to jointly review operations, practices, services, and integration outcomes.

Inclusivity & Participation

Does the practice ensure that its services are accessible and responsive to diverse groups?

The practice is a good example of the use of  a participatory and inclusive approach to ensure the provision of accessible and responsive services to diverse groups. Its variety of communications channels and the availability of easy-to-read documents on its website serve to strengthen its accessibility. The project is open to all highly educated newcomers in Flanders, regardless of gender, ethnicity or race. The needs and capacities of participants were analysed during the research phase in order to arrange services accordingly, and the methodology on coaching and networking has been adjusted to take into account particular needs of the target group.

Inspiring tools:

Platform, Welcome app, flyers and brochures are available on the à website, as well as checklists and roadmaps for studying and working in Flanders. The website is in English, Dutch and Arabic.

Good practice checklist

✓ Adopt a participatory, gender mainstreaming, age sensitive, inclusive approach and secure equal opportunities for beneficiaries.

✓ Make sure to provide precise and accessible information on how to access services in different languages, formats and through different communication channels.

✓ Ensure that equality and diversity are an essential part of how services are delivered, taking into consideration different needs and capacities.

✓ Make reasonable adjustments to service delivery in order to take into account particular needs of the target group.

Does the practice involve the active participation of the receiving society?

The practice is promising in its involvement of the active participation of the receiving society. Using volunteer mentoring as an integration tool, it supports the two-way nature of integration and provides the receiving society with opportunities to actively take part. A mentor pool has been created, comprising both natives and those with migrant background with experience of the same employment paths. As a part of the project, volunteer mentoring from the receiving society is used as a tool for integration.

Good practice checklist

✓ Consider integration as a two-way process, and aim for change on the side of the receiving society.

✓ Foresee an active role for the receiving society in the design and implementation stages of the practice, and involve actions that encourage native communities and beneficiaries to work together.

Does the practice consult its beneficiaries and involve them in the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the action?

The practice mostly consults beneficiaries, involving them in the action as much as possible. Beneficiaries were involved in project design and provided with different feedback mechanisms by which to express their opinions on service quality. The project started with research among beneficiaries and involved them in workshops for the development of the project model. Additionally, some members of project management team have a migrant background. All beneficiaries were asked to give feedback via email, phone calls and on the digital platform, and structured interviews were further conducted with some.

Good practice checklist

✓ Organise consultation activities with migrant beneficiaries in order to co-create actions where possible and secure their feedback on the design and evaluation of the action.

✓ Provide appropriate feedback mechanisms by which beneficiaries can safely express their opinions on service quality.

− Use flexible and interculturally-adapted formats and compensate participants for their contribution.

Relevance & Complementarity

Are the objectives of the practice relevant to the needs of the migrants?

The objectives of the practice are relevant to the needs of its target group: the project aims to reduce the employment gap HERs face by developing a fast-track integration model in Flanders. It stands to be a successful example of conducting preliminary research to identify the needs of beneficiaries and of the job market, in order to analyse employment gaps and contribute to the systematic improvement of integration services. The talent portfolios of HERs were developed based on the needs of the job market.

Good practice checklist

✓ Identify and analyse the needs of the relevant migrants and prioritise methods which directly ask them about their needs.

✓ Identify and analyse gaps in integration support and design actions to fill these gaps.

✓ Aim for systemic improvement, satisfying the needs of the majority of target groups in the target area.

Is the practice relevant to the empowerment of migrants, the strengthening of their autonomy and the support of their long-term integration?

The practice stands to be a promising example of empowering beneficiaries and supporting their long-term integration. Designing actions to strengthen the capacity of beneficiaries and contribute to their engagement with the community through economic empowerment, the practice aims to fill gaps in information provision and overcome inequalities that pose obstacles to long-term integration. The practice provides career coaching by which beneficiaries define their career path, mentoring by which they progress along this path, and networking activities which make the path more sustainable. All this promotes their long-term integration in the labour market. The project website also provides relevant resources to minimise information gaps about labour market integration, which is an important milestone in long-term integration. Employment gaps, overqualification and other challenges form the basis of the actions of the practice.

Good practice checklist

✓ Devise actions with the overarching goal of providing positive feedback and making migrants more confident, autonomous and independent.

✓ Contribute to migrants’ engagement with the community for the common good.

✓ Contribute to migrants’ engagement with the community for the common good.

✓ Include (or create the preconditions for) actions that facilitate long-term integration.

✓ Address discrimination and information gaps as obstacles to long-term integration.

Does the practice align with the priorities, strategic goals and policies of other relevant stakeholders, and contribute to the wider integration framework?

The practice presents an example in analysing gaps in integration support and employing strategies at the regional level. It also aims to contribute to the strengthening of the capacities of relevant institutions and actors working on labour market integration. The model was defined in line with the strategies of the regional employment agency and the civic integration agency. It is being developed based on action research, including relevant tripartite actors – Flemish government organisations, employers and HERs – and using best practices from other European countries and regions. A handbook with guidelines for policy implementation was developed as an output of the project. The goal of this is to present widespread national measures in the framework of European policies, and to facilitate practical action for closer cooperation between partners acting at different stages of the asylum seeker and refugee labour market integration chain.

Inspiring tools:

A handbook with recommendations for policy implementation.

Good practice checklist

✓ Ensure that all actions are in line with international and European human rights standards.

✓ Employ regional/local, national and EU/international level integration-related guidelines and tools.

− Make sure that the services offered contribute to the strengthening of the capacities of relevant institutions to support future development.


Is the practice adequately planned and based on a comprehensive design?

The practice has a comprehensive project plan based on research and testing. The project website is exemplary in terms of presenting a detailed project plan, activities, challenges, roadmaps and project management structure. The development of the All-in-one 4 HER faster integration model was based on action research and iterative testing with the target group and actors. A communication and dissemination plan was developed and approved by the funder (European Social Fund).

Good practice checklist

✓ Aim for actions that achieve observable outcomes among the target group or contribute to changes during the implementation of the action.

✓ Make sure that the objectives and planned results of the activity are feasible and clear.

✓ Develop a communications strategy during the design phase of the action and pay attention to communication with host communities and local authorities.

− Ensure the practice is based on indicators that are measurable, achievable, and relevant.

− Develop a staff management plan to identify team members with the right skills to work with beneficiaries, and their needs for training and further qualification.

Does the practice regularly monitor implementation and evaluate its results?

The practice conducted regular evaluations during the testing period and has been successful in achieving its intended results . The formulation of an advisory board to advise on potential obstacles is also exemplary. Evaluation is carried out during the iterative testing phase through feedback from beneficiaries and stakeholders.

Inspiring tools:

Main outputs are the All-in-one for HER Platform; the Welcome app; and a à Handbook for system improvement

Good practice checklist

✓ Ensure regular monitoring of action implementation and compare actual performance to goals set during the design phase.

✓ Anticipate obstacles that might occur and plan alternative scenarios during the design phase of the action.

✓ Ensure achievement of intended outputs / outcomes.

− Determine whether practice outcomes are considered successful by beneficiaries, the host and practitioner communities, funders, and policymakers.

− Assess whether interventions contribute to long-term sustainable change.


Is the practice prepared to sustain its positive effects after completion?

Overall, the practitioners aim to sustain the positive effects of the practice after its completion. The aim is to continue employing the model with different stakeholders with digital outputs. Development of a business plan is a good example of a step towards sustaining the positive effects of the practice, and project managers have also taken many other actions to do so including reducing costs and finding new follow-up funding/financing mechanisms.

Good practice checklist

✓ During the design phase, anticipate opportunities to continue the intervention after completion.

✓ Prepare and apply a well-defined sustainability plan to ensure the continuation of positive effects / outcomes.

− Devote resources to building capacities during the implementation phase, in order to ensure that the necessary human resources, expertise and infrastructure are in place to sustain the services upon completion of the action.

Partnership & Collaboration

Does the practice establish communication and coordination with other relevant actors to foster the integration of migrants? (e.g., migrants, civil society, public authorities, businesses)

The practice has established communication and coordination with other relevant actors, such as NGOs, government organisations, and employers. Stakeholders have been included using the Helix model, and 4 kinds of users/contributors were defined: supporting organisations, volunteer mentors, employers, and refugees/migrants.

Good practice checklist

✓ Ensure the involvement and participation of key stakeholders in the development phase and create strategies to involve them in the action.

✓ Include multi-stakeholder consultation with professionals, institutions, and citizens, in order to promote the meaningful participation of refuges and migrants and support a joint sense of ownership of decisions and actions.

Does the practice contribute to discussion on the improvement of integration support policies?

The practice contributes to discussion on improvement of integration support policies through its outputs and specific actions. It is a promising example in working with relevant partners through its advisory board. The handbook with recommendations for policy implementation aims to facilitate practical action for closer cooperation between partners acting at different stages along the asylum seeker and refugee labour market integration chain. Through this, the goal is to contribute to the discussion on integration in Flanders. The project is actively supported by leading Flemish government organisations, several labour market initiatives, and a large network of HERs

Good practice checklist

✓ Seize opportunities to contribute to the development of comprehensive integration strategies involving EU-level/national/regional/local authorities, service providers and civil society.

✓ Work with relevant partners to jointly review operations, practices, services, and integration outcomes.


Non- EU Partners


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SPRING has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation under the grant agreement 101004635. All views expressed are those of SPRING and the European Commission is not responsible for any use of the information this website contains.

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