Good Practice Criteria

Inclusivity & Participation

Does the practice ensure that its services are accessible and responsive to diverse groups?

The project is aimed at two different target groups: 1) medium- and high-skilled migrants and employees of public administration institutions, and 2) organisations providing employment counselling to migrants. The portal is available in Czech and English, and functions as an accessible, step-by-step guide to the process of foreign education and qualification recognition. It includes a glossary of terms and a contact form for questions.


Inspiring tools:

The online qualification recognition portal.

Good practice checklist

✓ Adopt a participatory, gender mainstreaming, age sensitive, inclusive approach and secure equal opportunities for beneficiaries.

✓ Make sure to provide precise and accessible information on how to access services in different languages, formats and through different communication channels

✓ Ensure that equality and diversity are an essential part of how services are delivered, taking into consideration different needs and capacities.

✓ Make reasonable adjustments to service delivery in order to take into account particular needs of the target group.

Does the practice involve the active participation of the receiving society?

Professionals from public administration institutions and organisations providing employment counselling to migrants participated in the practice. A support portal was created for them, which shares methodological procedures and examples of good practices from abroad. In the preparatory phase, it was envisaged that the portal would be used by migrants as well as by the wider professional public, especially employees of public administration institutions and organisations providing employment counselling to migrants.

Inspiring tools:

Support portal for professionals.

Good practice checklist

✓ Consider integration as a two-way process, and aim for change on the side of the receiving society.

✓ Foresee an active role for the receiving society in the design and implementation stages of the practice, and involve actions that encourage native communities and beneficiaries to work together.

Does the practice consult its beneficiaries and involve them in the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the action?

The portal was extensively tested by both target groups during the development phase. Findings from a review mapping migrants’ experiences with the qualification recognition process were incorporated into the structure of the portal, and methodological materials were provided for professionals from relevant supporting institutions. Respondents received compensation for their participation in the study. Users of the portal can provide feedback via the contact form provided.


Inspiring tools:

Case Study – Experiences of foreigners with recognition of foreign education in the Czech Republic

Good practice checklist

✓ Organise consultation activities with migrant beneficiaries in order to co-create actions where possible and secure their feedback on the design and evaluation of the action.

✓ Provide appropriate feedback mechanisms by which beneficiaries can safely express their opinions on service quality.

✓ Use flexible and interculturally-adapted formats and compensate participants for their contribution.

Relevance & Complementarity

Are the objectives of the practice relevant to the needs of the migrants?

The design and structure of the portal and the supporting website are based on an analysis of the needs of the target groups. The project offers a solution to the problem of the under-qualification of migrants, by reducing administrative barriers and improving the transparency and efficiency of the recognition process for foreign education and qualification.

Good practice checklist

✓ Identify and analyse the needs of the relevant migrants and prioritise methods which directly ask them about their needs.

✓ Identify and analyse gaps in integration support and design actions to fill these gaps.

✓ Aim for systemic improvement, satisfying the needs of the majority of target groups in the target area.

Is the practice relevant to the empowerment of migrants, the strengthening of their autonomy and the support of their long-term integration?

The portal provides migrants with step-by-step guidance through the entire process of education recognition, strengthens their self-sufficiency and reduces the related burden placed on specialised counselling services and institutions. Fully utilising the potential of migrants is economically beneficial for any society as a whole, and serves to promote the longer term integration of migrant individuals. The information contained in the portal includes a list of relevant legislation and a glossary of terms, which help users to better understand the whole process and to use relevant terminology when dealing with the authorities.


Good practice checklist

✓ Devise actions with the overarching goal of providing positive feedback and making migrants more confident, autonomous and independent.

✓ Contribute to migrants’ engagement with the community for the common good.

✓ Ensure that services contribute to the strengthening of the capacities of migrants/migrant communities.

✓ Include (or create the preconditions for) actions that facilitate long-term integration.

✓ Address discrimination and information gaps as obstacles to long-term integration.

Does the practice align with the priorities, strategic goals and policies of other relevant stakeholders, and contribute to the wider integration framework?

The economic and social self-sufficiency of migrants is a priority in the Czech Republic’s approach to the integration of foreigners. This practice facilitates orientation in the education and qualification recognition process for both individuals and professionals in the wider integration network. The practice highlights systemic opportunities for the improvement of migrants’ access to the labour market.

Good practice checklist

✓ Ensure that all actions are in line with international and European human rights standards.

✓ Employ regional/local, national and EU/international level integration-related guidelines and tools.

✓ Make sure that the services offered contribute to the strengthening of the capacities of relevant institutions to support future development.


Is the practice adequately planned and based on a comprehensive design?

The practice implementation plan is not publicly available. Its main outputs are based on research carried out within the project, and have been disseminated on the basis of a well thought out communication plan.


Good practice checklist

– Aim for actions that achieve observable outcomes among the target group or contribute to changes during the implementation of the action.

✓ Make sure that the objectives and planned results of the activity are feasible and clear.

✓ Develop a communications strategy during the design phase of the action and pay attention to communication with host communities and local authorities.

✓ Ensure the practice is based on indicators that are measurable, achievable, and relevant.

− Develop a staff management plan to identify team members with the right skills to work with beneficiaries, and their needs for training and further qualification.

Does the practice regularly monitor implementation and evaluate its results?

The portal was continuously tested by both target groups during its development phase, and regularly consulted a team of experts. It is has seen a steady increase in traffic since its launch in 2014.


Good practice checklist

✓ Ensure regular monitoring of action implementation and compare actual performance to goals set during the design phase.

✓ Anticipate obstacles that might occur and plan alternative scenarios during the design phase of the action.

✓ Ensure achievement of intended outputs / outcomes.

✓ Determine whether practice outcomes are considered successful by beneficiaries, the host and practitioner communities, funders, and policymakers.

− Assess whether interventions contribute to long-term sustainable change.


Is the practice prepared to sustain its positive effects after completion?

The portal was designed as a sustainable tool. Its implementing organisation continues to manage it and regularly updates the information it shares, and expert staff of the organisation handle inquiries made via the online contact form. Since the close of the initial project period, management of the portal has been financed by the organisation’s own resources.

Good practice checklist

✓ During the design phase, anticipate opportunities to continue the intervention after completion.

– Prepare and apply a well-defined sustainability plan to ensure the continuation of positive effects / outcomes.

✓ Devote resources to building capacities during the implementation phase, in order to ensure that the necessary human resources, expertise and infrastructure are in place to sustain the services upon completion of the action.

Does the practice attract structural funding and support from new sponsors and individuals, or have the potential to develop a business model to generate its own resources?

In the course of the project’s implementation, cooperation with the partner NGO was agreed in order to continue operation of the portal after the close of the project. The ESF or national funding schemes could be considered as potential sources of funding.


Good practice checklist

✓ Develop partnerships and relations with relevant stakeholders at the early stage of the action to ensure that the practice has strong support and potential partners for after the primary funding terminates.

✓ Identify new EU and national funding opportunities for long-term integration (e.g., shifting from project-based initiatives that are limited in time or dependent on one (external) donor to a comprehensive, multi-year strategy based on secured funding or diverse funding opportunities).

– Diversify funding opportunities and identify options for self-financing through business activities or social entrepreneurship.

Partnership & Collaboration

Does the practice establish communication and coordination with other relevant actors to foster the integration of migrants? (e.g., migrants, civil society, public authorities, businesses)

The project activities involved actors from the academic sector, NGOs, public administration bodies and migrants themselves. Project outputs were communicated to relevant stakeholders at regional roundtables and conferences.


Good practice checklist

✓ Ensure the involvement and participation of key stakeholders in the development phase and create strategies to involve them in the action.

✓ Include multi-stakeholder consultation with professionals, institutions, and citizens, in order to promote the meaningful participation of refuges and migrants and support a joint sense of ownership of decisions and actions.

Does the practice contribute to discussion on the improvement of integration support policies?

The project produced a set of recommendations on the employment and integration of foreigners for regional policy makers and service providers (integration centres). Project outputs were communicated at regional roundtables and conferences.

Inspiring tools:

Recommendations for regions.

Good practice checklist

✓ Seize opportunities to contribute to the development of comprehensive integration strategies involving EU-level/national/regional/local authorities, service providers and civil society.

✓ Work with relevant partners to jointly review operations, practices, services, and integration outcomes.

Inclusivity & Participation

Does the practice ensure that its services are accessible and responsive to diverse groups?

The intercultural services of the practice were available to all foreigners in the city. They were delivered by intercultural workers, who are people with both a migration background and knowledge of the languages of the largest migrant communities in Brno. Information about the services was made available through various channels, including online publications, social media networks, printed brochures and institutional leaflets. Services were provided at public institutions and via community outreach, at times that suited the needs of their migrant participants.


Good practice checklist

✓ Adopt a participatory, gender mainstreaming, age sensitive, inclusive approach and secure equal opportunities for beneficiaries.

✓ Make sure to provide precise and accessible information on how to access services in different languages, formats and through different communication channels

✓ Ensure that equality and diversity are an essential part of how services are delivered, taking into consideration different needs and capacities.

✓ Make reasonable adjustments to service delivery in order to take into account particular needs of the target group.

Does the practice involve the active participation of the receiving society?

The aim of the project was to reduce communication barriers in public administration institutions, especially in the municipality of Brno, between foreigners (beneficiaries of public services) and civil servants of the receiving society (providers of public services). The work remit of the intercultural workers was based on a needs analysis carried out among both foreigners and civil servants. Civil servants were required to participate in a training programme that strengthened their intercultural competences and their understanding of the rights and duties of foreigners.

Good practice checklist

✓ Consider integration as a two-way process, and aim for change on the side of the receiving society.

✓ Foresee an active role for the receiving society in the design and implementation stages of the practice, and involve actions that encourage native communities and beneficiaries to work together.

Does the practice consult its beneficiaries and involve them in the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the action?

The implementation of the project was continuously evaluated through interviews conducted with intercultural workers, officials (civil servants) and foreigners. The intercultural workers regularly collected feedback from beneficiary individuals and institutions, in person via community outreach as well as by telephone and online. New activities were decided upon in consultation with migrant community representatives. Both participants and intercultural workers were given the opportunity to discuss the practice at city level, via various platforms focused on the integration of foreigners and community planning.

Good practice checklist

✓ Organise consultation activities with migrant beneficiaries in order to co-create actions where possible and secure their feedback on the design and evaluation of the action.

✓ Provide appropriate feedback mechanisms by which beneficiaries can safely express their opinions on service quality.

✓ Use flexible and interculturally-adapted formats and compensate participants for their contribution.

Relevance & Complementarity

Are the objectives of the practice relevant to the needs of the migrants?

Intercultural workers, as employees of the municipality, are familiar with the needs of both the institutional environment and the needs of migrants. They worked to identify and remove barriers in migrants’ access to public services, and to adjust the services of the practice as necessary to meet migrants’ needs. Community outreach, interviews with beneficiaries and other forms of direct communication were used to map needs, ensuring the relevance of the practice.


Good practice checklist

✓ Identify and analyse the needs of the relevant migrants and prioritise methods which directly ask them about their needs.

✓ Identify and analyse gaps in integration support and design actions to fill these gaps.

✓ Aim for systemic improvement, satisfying the needs of the majority of target groups in the target area.

Is the practice relevant to the empowerment of migrants, the strengthening of their autonomy and the support of their long-term integration?

Before the practice came about, migrants in Brno usually turned to informal and non-professional intermediaries to solve their problems. The practice then became the ‘missing link’ between migrants and public service providers, working to strengthen migrants’ ability to communicate autonomously with public institutions and to deal with their problems independently. The involvement of intercultural workers and active migrants in planning processes and public administration platforms strengthened the ability of migrants to participate in decision-making, creating the conditions for improved quality and accessibility of public services for foreigners and, in the longer term, promoting their integration. The wider increased awareness of migrant integration as a result of the project also supported their long-term integration.


Good practice checklist

✓ Devise actions with the overarching goal of providing positive feedback and making migrants more confident, autonomous and independent.

✓ Contribute to migrants’ engagement with the community for the common good.

✓ Ensure that services contribute to the strengthening of the capacities of migrants/migrant communities.

✓ Include (or create the preconditions for) actions that facilitate long-term integration.

✓ Address discrimination and information gaps as obstacles to long-term integration.

Does the practice align with the priorities, strategic goals and policies of other relevant stakeholders, and contribute to the wider integration framework?

The practice aligns with Czechia’s national integration policy, which promotes the use of intercultural workers. Intercultural work at the local government level represents a systemic change in the approach to integration: it enables municipalities to identify emerging problems early, thematise them in the public service planning process and contribute to finding systemic solutions.


Good practice checklist

✓ Ensure that all actions are in line with international and European human rights standards.

✓ Employ regional/local, national and EU/international level integration-related guidelines and tools.

✓ Make sure that the services offered contribute to the strengthening of the capacities of relevant institutions to support future development.


Is the practice adequately planned and based on a comprehensive design?

The practice was adequately planned according to a needs analysis. The results of relevant evaluations show that it contributed to better information provision to migrants and their ability to deal with problems, to the reduction of barriers in interactions between officials and foreigners, to a decrease in officials’ fear of dealing with foreigners, and to increased openness towards migrants. An intercultural training programme has been developed based on the practice’s competency model for interculturally responsive local government, which defines the knowledge and skills necessary for the qualified performance of intercultural work. Since its completion, the outputs and results of the practice have been published on the websites of both Brno city and the ESF


Good practice checklist

✓ Aim for actions that achieve observable outcomes among the target group or contribute to changes during the implementation of the action.

✓ Make sure that the objectives and planned results of the activity are feasible and clear.

✓ Develop a communications strategy during the design phase of the action and pay attention to communication with host communities and local authorities.

✓ Ensure the practice is based on indicators that are measurable, achievable, and relevant.

✓ Develop a staff management plan to identify team members with the right skills to work with beneficiaries, and their needs for training and further qualification.

Does the practice regularly monitor implementation and evaluate its results?

Practice implementation and impact was regularly monitored and evaluated according to various indicators, and reports were made to the donor. Any problems or questions were addressed through consultation with representatives of cooperating organisations also focused on foreigners. As well as through the results of regular evaluation, the success of the practice is evidenced by the fact that it has received international recognition, and that Brno City Council continues to provide intercultural services via a follow-up project.


Good practice checklist

✓ Ensure regular monitoring of action implementation and compare actual performance to goals set during the design phase.

✓ Anticipate obstacles that might occur and plan alternative scenarios during the design phase of the action.

✓ Ensure achievement of intended outputs / outcomes.

✓ Determine whether practice outcomes are considered successful by beneficiaries, the host and practitioner communities, funders, and policymakers.

− Assess whether interventions contribute to long-term sustainable change.


Is the practice prepared to sustain its positive effects after completion?

The project has the potential to be transferred to other cities. One of the outputs is the “Competence model of interculturally permeable municipality”, which defines the range of skills of an intercultural worker within the municipality and sets out a training plan for municipal employees. A follow-up project was created, and a comprehensive meIntercultural work is now incorporated into the city’s strategic and planning documents, and is used and supported by other actors in the field of integration. Funding is currently provided by ESF to a follow-up project, and other possible sources include the Ministry of the Interior and the European Social Fund Plus. Potential funding for intercultural work is available from the state budget through the regional integration centres or from local authorities. thodology for intercultural work in local government is also being developed.

Inspiring tools:

 Competence model of interculturally inclusive municipal authority.

Good practice checklist

✓ During the design phase, anticipate opportunities to continue the intervention after completion.

✓ Prepare and apply a well-defined sustainability plan to ensure the continuation of positive effects / outcomes.

✓ Devote resources to building capacities during the implementation phase, in order to ensure that the necessary human resources, expertise and infrastructure are in place to sustain the services upon completion of the action.

Does the practice attract structural funding and support from new sponsors and individuals, or have the potential to develop a business model to generate its own resources?

Intercultural work is now incorporated into the city’s strategic and planning documents, and is used and supported by other actors in the field of integration. Funding is currently provided by ESF to a follow-up project, and other possible sources include the Ministry of the Interior and the European Social Fund Plus. Potential funding for intercultural work is available from the state budget through the regional integration centres or from local authorities.


Good practice checklist

✓ Develop partnerships and relations with relevant stakeholders at the early stage of the action to ensure that the practice has strong support and potential partners for after the primary funding terminates.

✓ Identify new EU and national funding opportunities for long-term integration (e.g., shifting from project-based initiatives that are limited in time or dependent on one (external) donor to a comprehensive, multi-year strategy based on secured funding or diverse funding opportunities).

– Diversify funding opportunities and identify options for self-financing through business activities or social entrepreneurship.

Partnership & Collaboration

Does the practice establish communication and coordination with other relevant actors to foster the integration of migrants? (e.g., migrants, civil society, public authorities, businesses)

Cooperation with relevant actors in the field of integration was established in the preparatory phase of the practice. Intercultural workers and foreigners participated in the community planning process for social services in Brno, and contributed to the development of the city’s strategy for the integration of foreigners and its related action plan. The intercultural workers are also building a broad network of cooperation based on case management, which is steadily growing and includes a wide range of local organisations and public institutions.


Good practice checklist

✓ Ensure the involvement and participation of key stakeholders in the development phase and create strategies to involve them in the action.

✓ Include multi-stakeholder consultation with professionals, institutions, and citizens, in order to promote the meaningful participation of refuges and migrants and support a joint sense of ownership of decisions and actions.

Does the practice contribute to discussion on the improvement of integration support policies?

The brochure for municipalities issued by the practice gives relevant practical examples and suggests solutions for local governments working with foreigners. The practice has been presented at a number of conferences and professional platforms in Brno, Czechia and abroad, and has already inspired other cities and organisations in Czechia and Slovakia to implement similar activities.

Good practice checklist

✓ Seize opportunities to contribute to the development of comprehensive integration strategies involving EU-level/national/regional/local authorities, service providers and civil society.

✓ Work with relevant partners to jointly review operations, practices, services, and integration outcomes.

Inclusivity & Participation

Does the practice ensure that its services are accessible and responsive to diverse groups?

The project sought to overcome a systemic deficiency in the provision of services by the Labour Office, which stemmed from existing barriers between Labour Office staff and migrants. The project also strengthened the relevant qualification of the institution’s employees, through provision of methodological materials and training courses. Services for foreigners were provided in a range of languages, based on needs of the institution’s staff. A social interpreting service was provided by the Labour Office throughout the project implementation period, and its interactive application – updated during the follow-up project – is now available to all via the website.

Good practice checklist

✓ Adopt a participatory, gender mainstreaming, age sensitive, inclusive approach and secure equal opportunities for beneficiaries.

✓ Make sure to provide precise and accessible information on how to access services in different languages, formats and through different communication channels

✓ Ensure that equality and diversity are an essential part of how services are delivered, taking into consideration different needs and capacities.

✓ Make reasonable adjustments to service delivery in order to take into account particular needs of the target group.

Does the practice involve the active participation of the receiving society?

The project primarily responded to the needs of Labour Office employees in communicating with migrants. The methodological material contains recommendations for establishing and maintaining communication with, for example, employers of foreigners, and the round tables were attended by employers as well as experts. The project did not involve any further involvement than this on the part of the receiving society.

ned via cooperation with both the local community and participants, and everyone is free to participate equally. While at the beginning the project was run solely by volunteers, it now also has paid employees. The receiving society is also involved through the project’s cooperation with schools and local businesses (which offer employment support and experience to participants).

Good practice checklist

✓ Consider integration as a two-way process, and aim for change on the side of the receiving society.

✓ Foresee an active role for the receiving society in the design and implementation stages of the practice, and involve actions that encourage native communities and beneficiaries to work together.

Does the practice consult its beneficiaries and involve them in the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the action?

Services were provided in various languages according to the needs of Labour Office employees, which were assessed prior to the initial phase of the project. These employees were also regularly asked to provide feedback on their experience of the project via both a general questionnaire and individual interviews.

Good practice checklist

✓ Organise consultation activities with migrant beneficiaries in order to co-create actions where possible and secure their feedback on the design and evaluation of the action.

✓ Provide appropriate feedback mechanisms by which beneficiaries can safely express their opinions on service quality.

– Use flexible and interculturally-adapted formats and compensate participants for their contribution.

Relevance & Complementarity

Are the objectives of the practice relevant to the needs of the migrants?

The project was indeed relevant to the needs of migrants: it was a response to a situation wherein migrants – depending on their type of residence permit – in theory had the same rights as Czech citizens when it came to accessing the services of the Labour Office, but in reality found that certain barriers prevented or limited their access to such services. The project, in particular its social interpretation services and interactive app, represented an important attempt by the Labour Office to remove these barriers.


Good practice checklist

✓ Identify and analyse the needs of the relevant migrants and prioritise methods which directly ask them about their needs.

✓ Identify and analyse gaps in integration support and design actions to fill these gaps.

✓ Aim for systemic improvement, satisfying the needs of the majority of target groups in the target area.

Is the practice relevant to the empowerment of migrants, the strengthening of their autonomy and the support of their long-term integration?

Among other things, the interactive app provides a map of life situations related to employment and a glossary of basic relevant terms. It strengthens the ability of migrants to independently navigate employment issues and the services of the Labour Office. The social interpretation support provided by the project made services such as career counselling and employment advice more accessible and efficient, strengthening migrants’ chances of finding and keeping a job and in so doing promoting their long-term integration.

Inspiring tools:

Inspiring tools: Interactive map.

Good practice checklist

✓ Devise actions with the overarching goal of providing positive feedback and making migrants more confident, autonomous and independent.

✓ Contribute to migrants’ engagement with the community for the common good.

Ensure that services contribute to the strengthening of the capacities of migrants/migrant communities.

✓ Include (or create the preconditions for) actions that facilitate long-term integration.

✓ Address discrimination and information gaps as obstacles to long-term integration.

Does the practice align with the priorities, strategic goals and policies of other relevant stakeholders, and contribute to the wider integration framework?

The project piloted the use of social interpreting and other tools which have the potential to fundamentally strengthen the ability of a key public institution to provide services to migrants. All of this aligns with state integration and employment policies.


Good practice checklist

✓ Ensure that all actions are in line with international and European human rights standards.

✓ Employ regional/local, national and EU/international level integration-related guidelines and tools.

✓ Make sure that the services offered contribute to the strengthening of the capacities of relevant institutions to support future development.


Is the practice adequately planned and based on a comprehensive design?

The project was implemented on the basis of a detailed plan. Basic information on its objectives, progress, outputs and results is available on the ESF CR website as well as on the project’s web portal. Educational courses for Labour Office staff were designed around the project’s comprehensive methodological material.

Good practice checklist

✓ Aim for actions that achieve observable outcomes among the target group or contribute to changes during the implementation of the action.

✓ Make sure that the objectives and planned results of the activity are feasible and clear.

– Develop a communications strategy during the design phase of the action and pay attention to communication with host communities and local authorities.

✓ Ensure the practice is based on indicators that are measurable, achievable, and relevant.

✓ Develop a staff management plan to identify team members with the right skills to work with beneficiaries, and their needs for training and further qualification.

Does the practice regularly monitor implementation and evaluate its results?

The implementation of the project was regularly monitored by the donor. Most project indicators were quantitative in nature (numbers of people supported; graduates of courses; number of methodological materials and products created). The provision of social interpretation (locations; intensity; languages) was adapted as necessary to meet real needs throughout the implementation phase, and the service itself was qualitatively evaluated on an ongoing basis. This evaluation mapped the experience of the Labour Office staff, and concluded that the service was significantly improving the effectiveness of counselling for foreigners and that the staff would welcome its continuation.


Good practice checklist

✓ Ensure regular monitoring of action implementation and compare actual performance to goals set during the design phase.

✓ Anticipate obstacles that might occur and plan alternative scenarios during the design phase of the action.

✓ Ensure achievement of intended outputs / outcomes.

✓ Determine whether practice outcomes are considered successful by beneficiaries, the host and practitioner communities, funders, and policymakers.

− Assess whether interventions contribute to long-term sustainable change.


Is the practice prepared to sustain its positive effects after completion?

Use of the project’s outputs (methodology, trained staff, digital outputs) after its completion was foreseen in the planning phase. At least 115 Labour Office employees from 41 towns and municipalities participated in the project’s training sessions, and have been able to put this training to use ever since. A follow-up project was also prepared, which expanded the services to include practical and individualised support for foreigners at the Labour Office.

Good practice checklist

✓ During the design phase, anticipate opportunities to continue the intervention after completion.

✓ Prepare and apply a well-defined sustainability plan to ensure the continuation of positive effects / outcomes.

✓ Devote resources to building capacities during the implementation phase, in order to ensure that the necessary human resources, expertise and infrastructure are in place to sustain the services upon completion of the action.

Partnership & Collaboration

Does the practice establish communication and coordination with other relevant actors to foster the integration of migrants? (e.g., migrants, civil society, public authorities, businesses)

The project was implemented by a contributory organisation of the Ministry of Labour. It was delivered in partnership with the Labour Office of the Czech Republic and involved consultation with employers, academic experts and experts from the non-governmental sector. It also collaborated with German and Austrian public employment service institutions.

Good practice checklist

✓ Ensure the involvement and participation of key stakeholders in the development phase and create strategies to involve them in the action.

✓ Include multi-stakeholder consultation with professionals, institutions, and citizens, in order to promote the meaningful participation of refuges and migrants and support a joint sense of ownership of decisions and actions.

Does the practice contribute to discussion on the improvement of integration support policies?

Relevant round tables on the employment of foreigners, attended by employers and representatives of the Ministry of Labour, discussed possible improvements to policies promoting the integration of foreigners in the labour market. The project also organised a conference at the national parliament, which served to raise awareness on migration, the employment of foreigners and the role of public employment services.

Good practice checklist

✓ Seize opportunities to contribute to the development of comprehensive integration strategies involving EU-level/national/regional/local authorities, service providers and civil society.

✓ Work with relevant partners to jointly review operations, practices, services, and integration outcomes.

Inclusivity & Participation

Does the practice ensure that its services are accessible and responsive to diverse groups?

The Centre for Foreigners provides comprehensive integration services in the Ústí nad Labem Region, combining standardised services provided by all regional integration centres with additional, local-level activities. The centre’s services are easily accessible. Relevant information is made available online in several languages, in printed format via leaflets distributed at institutions that handle foreigners’ issues, and verbally through active community outreach work. Services are personalised to meet the individual needs of participants.


Good practice checklist

✓ Adopt a participatory, gender mainstreaming, age sensitive, inclusive approach and secure equal opportunities for beneficiaries.

✓ Make sure to provide precise and accessible information on how to access services in different languages, formats and through different communication channels

✓ Ensure that equality and diversity are an essential part of how services are delivered, taking into consideration different needs and capacities.

✓ Make reasonable adjustments to service delivery in order to take into account particular needs of the target group.

Does the practice involve the active participation of the receiving society?

The integration centres offer a wide range of activities to both migrants (social and legal counselling; Czech language courses; adaptation and integration courses) and the receiving society (a regional advisory platform; monitoring of the situation of foreigners). The Centre for Foreigners also actively responds to the needs of local institutional actors (methodological and advisory support to schools; support with increasing the intercultural competences of public administration institutions) and involves host society volunteers in its activities (tutoring of foreign children; advice on grants processes to migrant associations).


Inspiring tools:

Inspiring tools: Advisory and educational activities for public institutions in the region.

Good practice checklist

✓ Consider integration as a two-way process, and aim for change on the side of the receiving society.

✓ Foresee an active role for the receiving society in the design and implementation stages of the practice, and involve actions that encourage native communities and beneficiaries to work together.

Does the practice consult its beneficiaries and involve them in the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the action?

Migrant integration is coordinated at the regional level by regional advisory platforms involving institutional actors and migrant representatives. The Centre for Foreigners also maintains regular contact with representatives of migrant associations. Individual service users are consulted as much as possible on the content of services (e.g. the design of leisure activities and the focus of specific language courses) and on their quality.


Good practice checklist

✓ Organise consultation activities with migrant beneficiaries in order to co-create actions where possible and secure their feedback on the design and evaluation of the action.

✓ Provide appropriate feedback mechanisms by which beneficiaries can safely express their opinions on service quality.

– Use flexible and interculturally-adapted formats and compensate participants for their contribution.

Relevance & Complementarity

Are the objectives of the practice relevant to the needs of the migrants?

The relevance of the integration centres’ services and their complexity is positively evaluated by other service providers, the NGO sector, individual users and external evaluators. The services are personalised for their users according to a mapping of each client’s needs carried out during their initial interview.

Good practice checklist

✓ Identify and analyse the needs of the relevant migrants and prioritise methods which directly ask them about their needs.

✓ Identify and analyse gaps in integration support and design actions to fill these gaps.

✓ Aim for systemic improvement, satisfying the needs of the majority of target groups in the target area.

Is the practice relevant to the empowerment of migrants, the strengthening of their autonomy and the support of their long-term integration?

The integration centres provide social counselling to migrants on the basis of an individual plan, the implementation of which requires the support of the service provider, and the effects of which promote migrants’ long-term integration and strengthen their autonomy. Migrants are also involved in regional advisory platforms, which allows them to develop their networks and promotes their social inclusion.


Good practice checklist

✓ Devise actions with the overarching goal of providing positive feedback and making migrants more confident, autonomous and independent.

✓ Contribute to migrants’ engagement with the community for the common good.

Ensure that services contribute to the strengthening of the capacities of migrants/migrant communities.

✓ Include (or create the preconditions for) actions that facilitate long-term integration.

✓ Address discrimination and information gaps as obstacles to long-term integration.

Does the practice align with the priorities, strategic goals and policies of other relevant stakeholders, and contribute to the wider integration framework?

The regional advisory platforms, organised by the integration centres, are a tool (in line with national integration policy) for identifying systemic solutions to gaps in the integration infrastructure at regional level. In addition, the Foreigners’ Centre responds to the specific needs of local actors in different areas of integration, especially in education.

Good practice checklist

✓ Ensure that all actions are in line with international and European human rights standards.

✓ Employ regional/local, national and EU/international level integration-related guidelines and tools.

✓ Make sure that the services offered contribute to the strengthening of the capacities of relevant institutions to support future development.


Is the practice adequately planned and based on a comprehensive design?

The services of the regional integration centres (including the Centre for Foreigners) are provided as comprehensively-designed one-year projects. They are built around the state integration policy, and their success is measured by internal, quantitative indicators. Complementary services provided by the Centre for Foreigners respond to the local context, and are again measured according to quantitative indicators. Service impact is monitored at the individual level, for example through evaluation with individuals receiving social counselling. The Centre for Foreigners also monitors the effectiveness of the Czech language courses by means of an entrance and exit exam and course attendance, and conducts its own internal evaluation of course implementation. Training is organised annually for new employees of the integration centres.


Good practice checklist

✓ Aim for actions that achieve observable outcomes among the target group or contribute to changes during the implementation of the action.

✓ Make sure that the objectives and planned results of the activity are feasible and clear.

– Develop a communications strategy during the design phase of the action and pay attention to communication with host communities and local authorities.

✓ Ensure the practice is based on indicators that are measurable, achievable, and relevant.

✓ Develop a staff management plan to identify team members with the right skills to work with beneficiaries, and their needs for training and further qualification.

Does the practice regularly monitor implementation and evaluate its results?

The activities of the integration centres (including the Centre for Foreigners) are regularly monitored and evaluated, and feedback is requested from beneficiaries. External evaluations that assess beneficiaries’ satisfaction with the services have had positive results, and the Supreme Audit Office of the Czech Republic found that the practice meets state integration policy objectives.


Good practice checklist

✓ Ensure regular monitoring of action implementation and compare actual performance to goals set during the design phase.

− Anticipate obstacles that might occur and plan alternative scenarios during the design phase of the action.

✓ Ensure achievement of intended outputs / outcomes.

✓ Determine whether practice outcomes are considered successful by beneficiaries, the host and practitioner communities, funders, and policymakers.

✓ Assess whether interventions contribute to long-term sustainable change.


Is the practice prepared to sustain its positive effects after completion?

The network of integration centres is designed to be run on a long-term basis. Its operation has been secured since 2020 by the national act on the residence of foreigners.

Good practice checklist

✓ During the design phase, anticipate opportunities to continue the intervention after completion.

✓ Prepare and apply a well-defined sustainability plan to ensure the continuation of positive effects / outcomes.

– Devote resources to building capacities during the implementation phase, in order to ensure that the necessary human resources, expertise and infrastructure are in place to sustain the services upon completion of the action.

Does the practice attract structural funding and support from new sponsors and individuals, or have the potential to develop a business model to generate its own resources?

10 of the 14 integration centres in the Czech Republic are financed by the state budget. The remaining 4, including the Centre for Foreigners, are financed by annual AMIF projects. Additional activities run by the Foreigners’ Centre are funded on an ad hoc basis by available EU, national, regional or corporate resources.


Good practice checklist

✓ Develop partnerships and relations with relevant stakeholders at the early stage of the action to ensure that the practice has strong support and potential partners for after the primary funding terminates.

✓ Identify new EU and national funding opportunities for long-term integration (e.g., shifting from project-based initiatives that are limited in time or dependent on one (external) donor to a comprehensive, multi-year strategy based on secured funding or diverse funding opportunities).

– Diversify funding opportunities and identify options for self-financing through business activities or social entrepreneurship.

Partnership & Collaboration

Does the practice establish communication and coordination with other relevant actors to foster the integration of migrants? (e.g., migrants, civil society, public authorities, businesses)

The key partner and creator of the integration centres concept is the Ministry of the Interior (which is responsible for the implementation of state integration policy). From the beginning, integration centres have been developing relationships with local actors dealing with foreigners’ issues, as well as with local governments, labour offices and schools within the framework of regional advisory platforms. The staff stability of the Centre for Foreigners allows for the development of long-term personal, informal relationships with key individuals within migrant communities.

Good practice checklist

✓ Ensure the involvement and participation of key stakeholders in the development phase and create strategies to involve them in the action.

✓ Include multi-stakeholder consultation with professionals, institutions, and citizens, in order to promote the meaningful participation of refuges and migrants and support a joint sense of ownership of decisions and actions.

Does the practice contribute to discussion on the improvement of integration support policies?

Some integration centres have been involved in the development of regional/local integration strategies. In addition to organising regional advisory platforms, the Centre for Foreigners participates in other professional platforms in the region (such as one for community planning).

Good practice checklist

✓ Seize opportunities to contribute to the development of comprehensive integration strategies involving EU-level/national/regional/local authorities, service providers and civil society.

✓ Work with relevant partners to jointly review operations, practices, services, and integration outcomes.


Non- EU Partners


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