For decades, governments and practitioners have been creating and running integration practices for migrants and refugees within Europe. However, rather than creating brand new practices each time, to what extent are pre-existing ‘good’ practices transferred between regions and countries?

In this Good Practice Transfer Analysis, created by the Migration Policy Group as part of the SprINg project, we explore if, how, and where good practices are transferred within Europe.


  • There are multiple barriers to transferring practices within Europe with practitioners lacking funding and access to the necessary knowledge.
  • Specific integration areas such as health and housing are less represented among the transferred/upscaled practices identified in this study.
  • In cases where practices are transferred, this usually takes place within the same part of Europe and from the national level to a regional or municipal level.
  • Additionally, practitioners usually get inspiration from other countries, cities or municipalities during mutual learning meetings, such as the European Integration Network and the European Migration Forum.
  • In order to successfully adapt practices to new contexts, needs analyses and regular assessments are important steps in the process.
  • Furthermore, direct person-to-person exchange between the original practice and the new context is a key ingredient for successful transfer.

Download the full Policy Transfer Analysis