SPRING Publications

The SPRING Consortium has worked intensively to help practitioners make their practices sustainable through a wide range of useful tools. In this section, the official publications are listed, including infographics, handbooks, policy briefs and analyses intended to support more evidence-based policies and practices.

Adaptación de Buenas prácticas
Adaptación de Buenas prácticas
Migration Policy Group (MPG)ESToolkitPDFtoolkitmpgespdf
Adaptacji dobrych praktyk
Adaptacji dobrych praktyk
Migration Policy Group (MPG)PLToolkitPDFtoolkitmpgplpdf
Adaptation de bonnes pratiques
Adaptation de bonnes pratiques
Migration Policy Group (MPG)FRToolkitPDFtoolkitmpgfrpdf
Barriers to integration: shared problem definition
Barriers to integration: shared problem definition
Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR)ENReportPDFreporteurenpdf
Co-design Trajectory
Co-design Trajectory
Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR)ENReportPDFreporteurenpdf
Die Integration von Neuzuwander: innen in Europa
Die Integration von Neuzuwander: innen in Europa
Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR)DEHandbookPDFhandbookeurdepdf
Good Practice Adaptation Toolkit
Good Practice Adaptation Toolkit
Migration Policy Group (MPG)ENToolkitPDFtoolkitmpgenpdf
Handbook on Integration Policy Practices for Newly Arrived Migrants
Handbook on Integration Policy Practices for Newly Arrived Migrants
Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR)ENHandbookPDFhandbookeurenpdf
How can Good Practices be Transferred/Upscaled?
How can Good Practices be Transferred/Upscaled?
Migration Policy Group (MPG)ENAnalysisPDFanalysismpgenpdf
Infographics and key message on integration of recent migrants
Infographics and key message on integration of recent migrants
Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR)ENInfographicPDFinfographiceurenpdf
Integración de personas migrantes recién llegadas a Europa
Integración de personas migrantes recién llegadas a Europa
Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR)ESHandbookPDFhandbookeurespdf
Integracja nowoprzybyłych migrantów w Europie
Integracja nowoprzybyłych migrantów w Europie
Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR)PLHandbookPDFhandbookeurplpdf
Intégration des migrants nouvellement arrivés en Europe
Intégration des migrants nouvellement arrivés en Europe
Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR)FRHandbookPDFhandbookeurfrpdf
Integration practices self-evaluation tool
Integration practices self-evaluation tool
Migration Policy Group (MPG)ENToolWEBtoolmpgenweb
Integration practices validation grid
Integration practices validation grid
Migration Policy Group (MPG)ENToolPDFtoolmpgenpdf
Integrazione dei migranti neoarrivati in Europa
Integrazione dei migranti neoarrivati in Europa
Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR)ITHandbookPDFhandbookeuritpdf
Knowledge needs in the area of integration
Knowledge needs in the area of integration
International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD)ENAnalysisWEBanalysisicmpdenweb
L’adattamento delle buone pratiche
L’adattamento delle buone pratiche
Migration Policy Group (MPG)ITToolkitPDFtoolkitmpgitpdf
Participatory approaches to integration policy-making: Making the case for co-design
Participatory approaches to integration policy-making: Making the case for co-design
International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD)ENCommentaryPDFcommentaryicmpdenpdf
Promoting an evidence-based culture in integration policy – Evaluation Policy Brief
Promoting an evidence-based culture in integration policy - Evaluation Policy Brief
Migration Policy Institute (MPI)ENPolicy briefPDFpolicy-briefmpienpdf
Stakeholder Mapping Report
Stakeholder Mapping Report
International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD)ENReportPDFreporticmpdenpdf
Sustainable migrant integration: The role of Communities of Practice
Sustainable migrant integration: The role of Communities of Practice
International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD)ENPolicy briefPDFpolicy-brieficmpdenpdf
The Integration of Recent Migrants and Refugees: A Review of Research on Integration Policy Practices in the EU
The Integration of Recent Migrants and Refugees: A Review of Research on Integration Policy Practices in the EU
Danube University Krems (DUK)ENReviewPDFreviewdanube-university-krems-dukenpdf
The role of communities of practice in facilitating cooperation
The role of communities of practice in facilitating cooperation
International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD)CommentaryPDFcommentaryicmpdpdf
Toolkit for Evidence-Informed Policymaking in Migrant Integration
Toolkit for Evidence-Informed Policymaking in Migrant Integration
Migration Policy Institute (MPI)ENToolkitPDFtoolkitmpienpdf

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